Welcome to Hiring Coaching!

I've spent my career thinking about how to identify top talent and I created this course to help you save time, gain confidence, and avoid costly mistakes.


Why We Make Hiring Mistakes

Learn to recognize the common approaches to hiring, and why they lead to mistakes. We often over-rate things that don't matter and ignore things that matter the most.

Agency and the Six Essential Traits

There is one mindset that is necessary for people to do great work over time. The mindset includes six key traits that all top performers share in common. Learn to recognize the mindset and the traits.

Build an Effective Process

We will help you build a process that allows you to see candidates clearly, saving money and time as you do it.

Free Resource: How to Use Screening Questions

How to use open-ended online screening questions to work efficiently, greatly improving your ability to spot the high-potential candidate.


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